Welcome to our donation page! Your generous contribution fuels our dual mission of advancing humanitarian efforts and providing vital couple therapy support.

At AV Ministries International, we are dedicated to creating a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, and every relationship has the chance to flourish.

Humanitarian Efforts

Your donations help us address pressing global challenges by providing essential resources and support to communities in need. From disaster relief and education to health care and sustainable development, your contributions enable us to make a meaningful impact where it is needed most. Together, we can build a more equitable and compassionate world for all.

Counsel for Couples

Strong, healthy relationships are the foundation of a thriving society. We offer affordable and accessible relationship coaching services designed to help partners navigate their challenges and build lasting connections. Your support ensures that couples from all walks of life can access the guidance and resources they need to strengthen their relationships and improve their quality of life.

Get Involved

Every gift makes a difference, no matter the size. By donating, you are investing in both immediate relief efforts and long-term relationship health. Join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and couples around the world.

Donate Today and be a part of the change. Together, we can empower lives and strengthen relationships for a brighter future.