AMI Haiti

Where the Mission Is To Restore Emotional Wholeness To Communities In Need.

Welcome to AMI Haiti: rebuilding sustainable structures and lives.

Watch our intro video here.

Causes & Updates

* Construction of an elementary school in Berreau – Cayes for disadvantaged children complete with a cafeteria

* Purchase 25 thousand school desks to donate to elementary schools throughout the country

*  Financial support to the widows of fallen police officers who are left destitute after their husbands were killed in the line of duty

How It All Began

A group of chaplains visited Haiti immediately after the August 14, 2021, earthquake led by Dr. Asnel Valcin. The Chaplains offered emotional and psychosocial support to more than 400 people during their nine-day stay.

Asnel Valcin, director of Pastoral Care and Education at one of New York’s healthcare systems, invited several chaplains to partcipate, from Haiti, the French Antilles, and French Guyana. Since April, the chaplains have been receiving training in clinical and pastoral education, and it was fitting to give them an opportunity to provide much-needed assistance.

We prayed about this mission trip, and God opened the doors for us to fly to the commune of Les Cayes from Port-au-Prince thanks to donations from friends and colleagues as well as the help of several local church and government leaders who believed in our mission to Haiti.

What We Believe

We believe in restoration on all levels, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. 

“This mission trip helped us understand how God truly used us in our humanity to connect with other people. I am humbled by this opportunity to serve.” The intervention in Les Cayes was only scratching the surface of the needs, Valcin pointed out. Still, it was one that will bring more awareness to the needs of the people in the aftermath of any disaster, Pierre Caporal, president of the Adventist Church in Haiti, said.

“This intervention by Dr. Valcin and the group of chaplains from the French Antilles-Gyana Union will for sure make an indelible impact on our church members and persons in the community who were helped, and on our chaplains, who took part in this important ministry.

In addition to providing emotional support, Valcin and local church leaders distributed 110 tents and 110 air mattresses to those still living out in the open air.